
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Michael Feldhaus” ,找到相关结果约61473条。
Fertilit t und Pendelmobilit t in Deutschland
Johannes Huinink,Michael Feldhaus
Comparative Population Studies , 2012, DOI: 10.4232/10.cpos-2012-05de
Abstract: Fertilit tsverhalten ist eng mit den anderen Dimensionen des Lebenslaufs verbunden, die wiederum untereinander in einer starken Wechselwirkung stehen. Ein Einflussfaktor aus dem Erwerbsbereich ist das berufsbedingte Mobilit tsverhalten. Studien zeigen, dass zeitaufw ndiges Pendeln vor allem bei Frauen eher mit Kinderlosigkeit einhergeht. Bis jetzt fehlen jedoch Untersuchungen, die in diesem Zusammenhang schon die Intention, ein Kind zu bekommen, berücksichtigen. Darüber hinaus fehlen L ngsschnittanalysen. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir Effekte des Pendelverhaltens von Frauen und M nnern sowohl auf die Intention, innerhalb von zwei Jahren ein Kind zu haben, als auch auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit ihrer Realisierung. Wir nehmen an, dass nach Kontrolle weiterer relevanter Faktoren (Erwerbsstatus, Bildung, Partnerschaftsstatus, Kinderzahl, residenzielle Mobilit t) das Mitteldistanz- und Fernpendeln negativ mit der Intention und mit deren Realisierung korreliert. Bei den M nnern sollten keine oder nur schwach positive Effekte zu finden sein. Zur Prüfung der Hypothesen verwenden wir Daten der ersten drei Wellen des Deutschen Familienpanels (pairfam).Zun chst wird eine multivariate Probit-Regression (mit korrelierten Fehlern) auf die Intention, auf die gegenw rtige Kinderlosigkeit und auf das Mittel- und Fernpendeln im Querschnitt gesch tzt. Es ergeben sich keine signifikanten Zusammenh nge zwischen dem Berufspendeln und der Fertilit tsintention, wohl aber zwischen dem Berufspendeln und der Wahrscheinlichkeit noch kinderlos zu sein. Zum zweiten wird ein Zwei-Wellen Panelmodell (Differenzenmodell) auf Ver nderungen der Fertilit tsintention zwischen Welle 1 und Welle 3 gesch tzt. Hier zeigen sich für Frauen, wie erwartet, positive Effekte auf die Aufnahme einer Intention, ein Kind in den n chsten zwei Jahren zu bekommen, für den Fall, dass das Mittel- und Fernpendeln beendet oder - zu unserer überraschung – zwischen den Wellen kontinuierlich aufrecht erhalten wird. Schlie lich wird für diejenigen, die in der ersten Welle angegeben haben, ein Kind haben zu wollen, eine Probit-Regression (mit Heckman-Korrektur) auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Realisierung einer Schwangerschaft zwischen Welle 1 und Welle 3 berechnet. Die Ergebnisse weisen hier wie erwartet negative Effekte von aufw ndigem Berufspendeln auf das Auftreten einer Schwangerschaft aus. Insgesamt best tigen die Ergebnisse die Annahme, dass das Berufspendeln eine unterschiedliche Bedeutung im Entscheidungsprozess der Familiengründung und -erweiterung hat.
Fertility and Commuting Behaviour in Germany
Johannes Huinink,Michael Feldhaus
Comparative Population Studies , 2012, DOI: 10.4232/10.cpos-2012-05en
Abstract: Fertility behaviour is closely related to other dimensions of the individual life course, which are strongly interrelated themselves. Regarding the impact of job-related spatial mobility, empirical findings show a negative correlation between having children and commuting, particularly for women. Up to now, fertility intentions have not been thoroughly investigated in this respect. Longitudinal studies are lacking, too. In this paper, the effects of commuting arrangements of men and women on the intention of having a child within the next two years as well as the probability of realising this intention are addressed. The assumption is, that after accounting for other important factors (employment status, level of qualification, type of consensual union, number of children, residential mobility), medium- and long-distance commuting is negatively related to the fertility intention of women and its realisation. For men, effects are assumed to be nonexistent or even slightly positive. Longitudinal data from the first three waves of the German “Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics” (pairfam) are used to test the hypotheses. Firstly, a cross-sectional, multivariate probit-regression (with correlated errors) on the intention to have a child within two years, on being childless and on medium- and long- distance commuting is applied. The model shows no significant correlation between commuting and the intention to have a child; it does however show a correlation between medium- and long distance commuting and the probability of women to be childless. Secondly, a longitudinal difference model on changing fertility intentions between panel wave 1 and wave 3 is estimated. For women, a positive effect can be found of interrupting medium- and long-distance commuting or, surprisingly, continuing medium- and long-distance commuting on the intention to have a child within two years. Thirdly, for men and women who reported a fertility intention in the first wave, a longitudinal Heckman-selection probit-regression on the probability of having a child between wave 1 and wave 3 is estimated. It shows negative effects of medium- and long-distance commuting on having a child. Taken together, these findings support the assumption that commuting plays a characteristically different role in different phases of the fertility-related decision process.
Circular job-related spatial mobility in Germany: Comparative analyses of two representative surveys on the forms, prevalence and relevance in the context of partnership and family development
Heiko Rüger,Michael Feldhaus,Katharina S. Becker,Monika Schlegel
Comparative Population Studies , 2011,
Abstract: Over the past few decades, employees have had to come to terms with increased demands of the labour market requiring greater flexibility and mobility. At the same time, increasingly versatile and complex forms of job-related spatial mobility are emerging. Consequently, the correlation between job mobility patterns and family-related processes is attracting more and more attention in the field of mobility and family research. However, to date there has rarely been a standard by which to systematically record and analyse job mobility. “Job Mobilities and Family Lives in Europe” (JobMob), a comparative European survey, and the “Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics” (pairfam) constitute two sets of representative data for Germany, which provide largely comparable operationalisations for several forms of circular job mobility, thus allowing us to systematically perform comparative analyses. For the first time ever in this field of research, it is now possible to subject findings to a direct reciprocal validation process and to check whether general rules and correlations can be derived from them. In this regard, the present article aims at achieving three essential objectives. First, we will introduce a common indicator for circular job mobility patterns found in the two surveys. On the basis of this common indicator, we will comparatively analyse the prevalence of different mobility forms and their composition according to key socio-demographic characteristics. In addition, we will use multivariate analyses to illustrate the relevance of job mobility for partnership and family development. Results suggest mobility patterns to be an important individual context factor when explaining processes relevant to partnerships and family. In particular, women who exhibit some degree of job mobility are less often married and rarely have children.
As respostas de Habermas e Rawls às obje es de tipo hegeliano à ética de Kant
Charles Feldhaus
Princípios : Revista de Filosofia , 2011,
Abstract: This study aims to examine to what extent the reformulation of Kantian ethics, undertaken by Habermas and Rawls, could answer the objections of the Hegelian kind unleashed against the ethics of Kant. The conception of justice developed by Rawls in his books A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism has been the target of criticism from thinkers in various domains, including communitarians, among the main objections are that it is committed to a atomistic concept of person and to a contractarian conception of society. Habermas himself, in his book Erl uterungen zur Diskursethik looks for to examine whether the objections of Hegelian kind apply to the Kant's ethics or the ethics of speech.
Habermas, ética da espécie e seus críticos
Charles Feldhaus
Princípios : Revista de Filosofia , 2007,
Abstract: This works intends to reconstruct the Habermasian argumentative strategy concerning liberal eugenics, human cloning, research with embryos and genetic diagnostic main criticisms against it.
Hare e o Problema da Ladeira Escorregadia
Charles Feldhaus
Ethic@ : an International Journal for Moral Philosophy , 2003,
Abstract: This paper deals with Richard Hare's Kantian Utilitarianism aplied to bioethics and discusses his attempt to solve the problem of the slippery-slope. The distinction between two levels of moral thinking, the intuitive and the critical, is appointed by the philosopher as a possible solution. The question, then, is the following: can Hare really avoid the slippery-slope problem? The answer seems to be "no".
The monochromator beamline at FLASH: performance, capabilities and upgrade plans
Natalia Gerasimova,Siarhei Dziarzhytski,Josef Feldhaus
Physics , 2013, DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2011.588344
Abstract: The monochromator beamline at the FLASH facility at DESY is the worldwide first XUV monochromator beamline operational on a free electron laser (FEL)source. Being a single-user machine, FLASH demands a high flexibility of the instrumentation to fulfil the needs of diverse experiments performed by a multidisciplinary user community. Thus, the beamline has not only been used for high-resolution spectroscopy that it was originally designed for, but also for pump-probe experiments controlling the temporal-spectral properties at moderate resolution, and as a filter for high harmonics of the FEL at very low resolution. The present performance and capabilities of the beamline are discussed with emphasis on particularities arising from the nature of the FEL source, and current developments are presented aiming to enhance its capabilities for accommodating a wide variety of experiments.
Bragantia , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S0006-87052001000300009
Abstract: root growth can be affected by chemical modifications in the soil profile due to lime and gypsum applications. a field trial was carried out on a dystrophic clay rhodic hapludox at ponta grossa, state of paraná, brazil, aiming at evaluating lime and gypsum effects on root growth and plant chemical traits of barley, cv. br 2 (al susceptible). a randomized complete block design was used, with three replications, in a split-plot layout. the main plots received dolomitic limestone treatments (no lime and 4.5 t.ha-1 of lime-on the surface or incorporated into the soil) and the subplots, the rates of gypsum (0, 3, 6 and 9 t.ha-1), applied in the installation of a no-tillage system, in 1998. barley was grown during the 1999 winter season, after the soybean crop. liming (whether surface applied or incorporated into the soil), and gypsum rates did not significantly affected barley root growth, although gypsum provided better root relative distribution in the soil profile, mainly when associated to liming. under severe water stress conditions there was no limitation to barley root growth in depth (for 6 mmolc.dm-3 exchangeable ca and 35% al saturation). lime incorporation improved the plant nutrition as to n and k, but liming treatments did not affect grain yields-these were limited by the prolonged water deficit during flowering stage. however, gypsum increased n, p, k, ca and s plant levels, even under water stress conditions, with significant effects on grain yields, due to increases in the exchangeable ca, ca/mg relationships and s-so42- levels available in the soil.
Gest?o da coopera??o empresa-universidade: o caso de uma Multinacional Brasileira
Costa, Priscila Rezende da;Porto, Geciane Silveira;Feldhaus, Diogenes;
Revista de Administra??o Contemporanea , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1415-65552010000100007
Abstract: this paper aims to examine how a brazilian multinational manages cooperation with external sources of technology, such as universities and research institutes. to achieve this, qualitative research of a descriptive nature was performed and the case study method was used. empresa brasileira de compressores [embraco] was studied in depth. the survey results showed that embraco manages cooperation with external sources of technology following a formal pattern of management, integrated by eleven administrative practices that are linearly processed. these management practices are basically carried out sequentially in three stages: the pre-development of cooperation stage, which is the project definition, the partner selection and the activity planning; the cooperation development stage, in which contracts are signed, the infrastructure is organized and activities are implemented and monitored; and the cooperation post-development stage in which the activities are evaluated, knowledge is transferred and intellectual property is guaranteed. only monitoring and evaluation practices tend to occur more dynamically through the cooperation process.
Gest o da Coopera o Empresa-Universidade: o Caso de uma Multinacional Brasileira
Priscila Rezende da Costa,Geciane Silveira Porto,Diogenes Feldhaus
Revista de Administra??o Contemporanea , 2010,
Abstract: This paper aims to examine how a Brazilian multinational manages cooperation with external sources of technology, such as universities and research institutes. To achieve this, qualitative research of a descriptive nature was performed and the case study method was used. Empresa Brasileira de Compressores [Embraco] was studied in depth. The survey results showed that Embraco manages cooperation with external sources of technology following a formal pattern of management, integrated by eleven administrative practices that are linearly processed. These management practices are basically carried out sequentially in three stages: the predevelopment of cooperation stage, which is the project definition, the partner selection and the activity planning; the cooperation development stage, in which contracts are signed, the infrastructure is organized and activities are implemented and monitored; and the cooperation post-development stage in which the activities are evaluated, knowledge is transferred and intellectual property is guaranteed. Only monitoring and evaluation practices tend to occur more dynamically through the cooperation process.

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